Because of travel and other matters, I’ve taken a break from blogging the last few weeks. Have been on a rigorous news diet as well, which was delightful.
In the last couple of days I started tuning in to the news.
The craziness from allegedly educated people in the public health sector is staggering. Lots of officials have moved to crazyland while I took a short break.
Today’s discussion:
- LAUSD will require all students and staff to be tested weekly for infection even if vaccinated.
- Protests emerging worldwide against lockdowns.
- Maine church files for preemptive injunction in attempt to prevent future repression of religious freedom.
The slide into crazyland
Things can always get worse…
You thought CDC recommending everyone wear masks indoors was bad. Just wait…
Early yesterday the US Secretary of Defense arrived in the Philippines for consultations.
He is fully vaccinated so he is safe from the ‘rona, at least that is what the ‘science’ has boldly declared morning, noon, and night for the last year.
He wore a mask.
And a face shield.
And goggles.