Short answers to lots of tax questions in the ministry world

If you are researching a tax question for a church or other faith-based ministry, you really should add the MinistryCPA blog to your list of resources.

Professor Corey Pfaffe has lots of great questions with short, clear answers.

Here are a just a few posts from the last few months you might find helpful: (more…)

Level of Services Provided by a CPA – The Differences Between Compilations, Reviews, and Audits

There are three different levels of services you could obtain from a certified public accountant.  These are referred to as compilation, review, and audit.

Financial statements are presented on the basis of some set of accounting rules. This is referred to as the financial reporting framework.

The vast majority of the time, this would be a large body of knowledge that is called generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP. Imperfect in implementation though it may be, the concept is that similar transactions will be recorded by all organizations in the same way. In addition, financial statements of similar organizations will actually look similar.

If there is some unique reason to do so, the financial statements could be presented on another basis of accounting.



‘Tragedy of Fraud’ in e-book format – soon to be released

Tragedy of Fraud – The Ripple Effects from Fraud and the Wages Earned will be released soon in Kindle format. This is a compilation of blog posts about the damage caused by fraud. It will also discuss the fraud triangle.

The sections of the book are: (more…)

Another example of the right way to apologize and own your errors

I dislike the way many people try to apologize today. The typical “I’m sorry if you were offended” is not an apology. Not even close.

Here is a superb illustration of the right way to apologize. Check out Via Meadia Blew It.

I missed the original issue, but apparently a Via Meadia post unjustly insulted another journalist. Look at the first part of the key apology paragraph:


Ulvog CPA firm receives “Pass” rating in Peer Review

I am pleased to report that my firm received a pass rating on the peer review which was performed in November 2012.

The peer review program is a process the CPA profession has developed to look at the quality of audit and other attestation work performed by CPAs. Firms are inspected by other firms to evaluate compliance with various professional standards.


Fraud triangle illustrated in a movie

I recently enjoyed the 1968 version of The Producers. Wonderful stuff. Lots of laugh lines I’d forgotten about since I watched it last.

While watching, I realized there was a great illustration of a fraud triangle developed in about 5 minutes or so. For an edifying, educational exercise, let’s review the sequence to illustrate the concept of fraud triangles.


An illustration why you should gain control over your name on the ‘net, both through buying domain names and reserving your name at social media sights

Check out the web address The address forwards to a blog.

You would think the blog is related to the senator from California, right?

Not so fast.


Charity plans to revise GIK revenue in 990s by about $200M

After a break for the holidays, valuation of GIKs are back in the news.

William P. Barrett reports in Forbes that a Charity Eyes Quarter-Billion-Dollar Write-Down in Value Of Goods Handled.

He indicates the president of Operations Compassion has said they are reviewing their 990s for the last 4 years and expect to reduce the recorded amounts of GIKs.

The estimate of the write-down is between $200 million and $250 million.


3 posts on implications of technology change

Here are three posts from my other blog, Outrun Change, looking at some implications of the rapid technology change taking place around us.

New technology is very cool, yet we need to ponder the implications:

Bank facing capital punishment for helping Americans evade taxes

I have a post on my other blog, Attestation Update, discussing a Swiss bank that pled guilty to criminal charges.

One bank gets hit hard for helping U.S. citizens evade taxes. As in capital punishment hard.

I’ve split my discussion of misbehavior by large banks between this blog and the other one. Will start migrating this discussion to Attestation Update, since the topic fits better on that blog.


Unintended consequences: After watching all the damage caused by development aid, Kenyan economist says “please just stop.”

James Shikwati is the Director of Inter Region Economic Network. He is an economist from Kenya.

In 2005, he gave an interview to Spiegel, which was titled “For God’s Sake, Please Stop the Aid!”

A bit of research revealed this long list of articles he has written.  There is far more detail in those articles than in the one interview. I will summarize a few of the ideas in the interview. Over time, I’ll try to read more of the articles he has written and comment on them.

Development aid damages the local economy
