Doing ministry overseas can generate several requirements to file reports with the IRS that you had no idea even existed.
CliftonLarsonAllen provide some background on IRS Foreign Reporting Requirements for Nonprofit Organizations.
Here is their technically worded description of the most common situations:
- Transfers of property to, or ownership interests in, foreign entities
- Financial interest in, or signature authority over, foreign bank, securities, and financial accounts
- Certain payments of U.S. source income to foreign persons
I will mention just a few of the situations they describe which could trigger a reporting requirement. Keep in mind there can be some serious penalties for missing these reports. Serious, as in $10,000 per filing year, assuming the IRS doesn’t allege the failure to file was willful. If they raise that allegation, penalties can get really ugly. Also keep in mind that if you missed one of these reports once, you probably missed it all the years for which the statute of limitations is open.
Control of overseas affiliate