On Friday 9/20/19, the California AG issued final decisions regarding the cease and desist orders against MAP International, Food for the Poor, and Catholic Medical Mission Board.
Those C&DOs have been discussed at length on this blog. See tag California AG.
If I understand the process correctly, this means the C&DO are now in effect. The fines are due soon and the clock is running on the several required actions. In addition, the various statements made by the charities regarding overhead efficiency must be changed.
I have asked the AG’s press office for copies of the actual final decisions. When I receive them, I see what new information they contain, such as appeal options.
My not-so-wild guess is the charities will follow whatever appeal options exist. (Since one of the three charities has told me they will appeal, I guess that isn’t actually a guess at all.)
Press release says fines total $1,490,175. Based on the preliminary decisions, the breakout by charity is: