A year ago you would have been considered crazy, cuckoo, one of those tin foil-hat-wearing-nut-jobs if you had been so irresponsible as to suggest what is described in the next two articles could ever, ever happen.
A year after such predictions would have been laughed at, the Australian government is sending out the military to forcibly relocate people into a “quarantine camp” with fences and barbed wire.
The untried, unconvicted, and unsentenced crime? Testing positive for Covid.
The military is also forcibly relocating anyone who is in “close contact” with someone who tested positive for Covid.
Yeah, that is really happening.
Quarantine camps. Forcible relocation.
(Side note – I should have posted this yesterday, before the we’re-all-gonna’-die Omicron variant generated closing of borders and shutting of air travel. Had best post it before Monday morning because by then we might learn the loss of freedom in Australia is old news.)
Zero hedge – 11/23/21 – Australian Army Begins Transferring Covid-Positive Cases, Contacts to Quarantine Camps – The Army has started forcibly transporting people from the Northern Territories to a quarantine camp which the government has built in Darwin.