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The Covid vaccination is 95% effective against infection.
That is what we were told by every public health official and media outlet in order to persuade us to get the shots.
It has been so effective we should get a booster. And another booster. And now there is a brand new fifth booster, because the previous four worked so well.
This is the first in a series of posts explaining the effectiveness statements were not only false, but were known to be false at the time.
We start with a survey of how incredibly effective the vaccine has been in 2022:
CDC director
10/31/22 – Center for Disease Control – Update on CDC Director and COVID-19 – I cannot describe this more lastingly than merely quoting the straight line offered by the CDC press release:
“CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky experience mild symptoms from her recent Covid-19 infection, completed a course of Paxlovid, and, after period of isolation, tested negative for the virus. On Sunday, Dr. Walensky began to develop mild symptoms and has again tested positive.”
10/31/22 – Reuters – U.S. CDC director experiences Covid rebound after taking Pfizer’s Paxlovid – Having another round of Covid after getting a full series of Covid shots and even the Covid treatment drug Paxlovid is actually a thing. Article says that Dr. Wilensky follows Pres. Biden and Dr. Fauci as having what is euphemistically called a “relapse, or “rebound” case of Covid after receiving the drug.
Article says Dr. Walensky is “up to date on vaccines”, which means she has a double shot plus boosters, not that any of them did her any good.
President Biden
7/21/22 – Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy – Pres. Biden test positive for Covid-19 as US cases rise – The president was feeling mild symptoms the night before and then tested positive on a rapid test and PCR test in the morning. The president had already started a course of Paxlovid. The president is fully vaccinated and has received two booster shots.
He has the best healthcare on the planet and the most intentional, careful screening of everyone who comes in contact with him.
Yet he still got sick.
8/6/22 – U.S. News & World Report – Biden Tests Negative After “Rebound” Covid-19 Infection – After testing positive on July 21, he received a course of Paxlovid and later tested negative. He then got sick again with positive tests seven days in a row.
Article claims “rebound” cases occur in 5% to 8% of patients who receive Paxlovid and in 27% of people who do not take the meds.
First Lady
8/16/22 – Politico – First Lady test positive for Covid – The First Lady tested experience cold symptoms and tested positive about a week after the President recovered from his rebound infection. That tells us that after taking Paxlovid, a person can get Covid again, and is infectious during the additional round of infection.
The First Lady received a round of Paxlovid.
8/24/22 – NPR – First Lady Jill Biden test positive for Covid-19 and rebound case – Rebound infection without symptoms on the first day of positive test results.
Dr. Anthony Fauci
6/15/22 – Wall Street Journal – Fauci Tests Positive for Covid-19 (behind paywall) – Dr. Anthony Fauci contracted Covid. According to NIAID statement the good doctor is “fully vaccinated and has been boosted twice.”
6/15/22 – Post on twitter by Ian Miler (@IanmSC):
“Dr Fauci, who is fully vaccinated, has received two boosters, is always masked and recently refused to attend events where attendees are not required to mask, has tested positive for Covid
“Amazing that none of it was able to prevent this from happening, isn’t it?”
Yeah, that is amazing.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
4/7/22 – U.S. News & World Report – Pelosi Tests Positive for Covid-19 as Cases Rise Among Lawmakers, Government Officials – The Speaker of the House tested positive. At the moment of the press release she was reporting to be asymptomatic. Like every other senior official who gets sick, she is fully vaccinated and double boosted.
What does the speaker and a long list of other senior officials who just got sick have in common? They all attended the high-profile Gridiron Club dinner.
By the way, attendance at the event required providing proof of full vaccination as a condition of participating.
Attorney General Merrick Garland, Senators Raphael Warnock and Susan Collins
4/8/22 – The Guardian –Psaki, Garland, Pelosi: Covid-19 spread among leading Democrats and Biden officials – The Attorney General, Senators Warnock and Collins, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and nine or more Congress critters tested positive in recent days.
Those are the highest profile people amongst the 37 who have positive Covid tests after attending the Gridiron Club dinner. Representative of the event said there will be more positive results in the following few days.
Yeah, that Covid vaccination is definitely operating at a 95% effectiveness level. No doubt about it.
It is doing a superb job at preventing infection.
It is doing an even better job at preventing spread.
(Yeah, I’m being sarcastic.)
A fifth shot is now available. Better run right out and get it. (Yeah, more sarcasm.)