Two years ago it would have been stupid, preposterous, outlandish, tin-foil-hat-wearing, coocoo-bird-crazy to even suggest we could get to the place of needing internal passports in the United States.
Your papers please.
- German: Bitte deine Papiere.
- Russian: vashi dokumenty, pozhaluysta
- English: Your papers please.
On the off chance you missed the implications, the phrase “your papers please” was used in Nazi Germany and communist Soviet Union by those dictatorial governments to check whether people were allowed to be where they were.
Internal passports were needed to move around the country.
Official papers had to be produced upon demand, at any time, even in your own neighborhood.
Sliding down the slippery slope to “your papers please.”
7/30/21 – County of Los Angeles/Department of Public Health – Order of the Health Officer – LA County requires everyone who is inside a mask starting Sunday morning 8/1/21. This applies to everyone over age two. (My recurring question – why are we doing this to children?) Dictat applies to those who receive their full round of vaccinations.
8/2/21 – NBC Bay Area – Delta Variant: Mask Mandate Reinstated in Bay Area Amid Covid-19 Surge – Starting Tuesday 8/3/21 masks will be required for all inside activities for those peasants in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Sonoma counties in the San Francisco Bay area of California. Mandatory order applies to those who have received their full round of vaccination shots.
8/3/21 – 7 News Boston – NYC will require vaccination proof for indoor dining, gyms – New rules phasing in during August and September will require everyone in New York City who wants to dine inside a restaurant, attend a theatrical presentation, or work out in a gym to show their papers. Proof will be needed at least one vaccination shot has been received.
At the moment, a vaccination card will be acceptable. As soon as our dim-witted ruling overlords figures out those could easily be fabricated, I am confident they will require an official, government issued, tamperproof, registered, scannable passport.
The city is already developing its own “Key to NYC Pass” passport system. Think that means they can drop the option of allowing a paper vaccination card as soon as their system is in place.
Coming soon to your town, but not with a German accent: Your papers please.