eBook ‘Tragedy of Fraud’ now available in multiple formats

Fraud has tragic effects on innocent people who didn’t commit the fraud. The person who did the deed will pay a severe price far beyond what the judge imposes. Just like a stone thrown into a pond causes ripples all across the water, so a fraud ripples out to cause all sorts of harm.


Only 99 cents.

Available in Epub for iPad, iBooks, Nook, and Sony Reader.

Also in mobi for Kindle, PDF for desktop reading, and 5 other formats.

Newest versions can be found here

Has been available at Amazon since February.


Empoprise celebrates 10 year blogiversary

(Cross-post from my other blog, Outrun Change.)

My friend, John Bredehoft, celebrates his tenth blogiversary today at Empoprise-BI. His post highlighting that achievement is Ten-year anniversary of my first blog post.

He writes five blogs each addressing a different topic, one of which I mention here frequently: tymshft

That’s quite an achievement.  Congratulations John!