There are many things you could not say in public two or three years ago, all of which are now safe to say. Here is a starting point of the list of things you can now talk about in the open:
- The virus came from a lab leak.
As I find articles to further develop the issues now say to say, I will have further discussion.
The virus came from a lab leak.
This was crazy talk three years ago but is slowly becoming accepted: the most likely place the COVID-19 virus came from was a Chinese research laboratory. Oh, by the way, said lab was funded in part by Dr. Fauci’s department.
2/16/23 – Wall Street Journal – Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says
Researchers from the US Department of Energy have concluded based on new intelligence that the most likely source for the virus was a research laboratory in China.
The FBI has reached the same conclusion.
Four other Intel agencies have assessed most likely source is natural transmission, most likely the wet market in Wuhan, near the lab in question.
Two other agencies, including the CIA and another unnamed agency, have not reached a conclusion.
Such assessments come with a confidence level, which indicates how sure the assessment is. The Department of Energy is at low confidence, with the FBI at moderate confidence. The four agencies who are leaning towards a natural outbreak have low confidence.
There is a thriving debate in the on-line world between those looking at growing body of evidence which they think is pointing toward a lab leak and those who categorically reject any such possibility.
5/26/21 – CNN – Biden tasks intelligence community to report on Covid origins in 90 days – Back in May 2021, the President appointed a task force to sort out the origin of the virus after reports surfaced that multiple scientists doing research at the Wuhan Institute were sick and hospitalized in November 2019.
Article also says a bill was passed unanimously in the Senate calling on the administration to declassify all information on the virus source. Again, that was in 2021.
This week, after the Department of Energy announced their assessment, the FBI’s assessment of a lab leak at moderate confidence drew more widespread attention. Apparently, their assessment was made in 2021 and was known at the time although it got little attention. I just tumbled to their assessment this week (yeah, yeah, I’m slow on the uptake).
After the news from Department of Energy and additional publicity on the FBI’s assessment, the Senate got off their duffs and again passed a bill to force the administration to declassify all intel about the source.
3/1/23 – Washington Examiner carried by MSN – Senate passes bill demanding pandemic origin info be made public.
The bill demanding declassification passed unanimously. Not 51-49. Not 65-35. Unanimously.
Every Democrat and every Republican present voted in favor of declassifying all the intel.