Three topics in this post:
- The ‘papers please’ enforcement efforts are getting serious. The first restaurants are now getting shuttered in California.
- Another group of elitist ruling overlords ignoring the rules.
- Protests are running across the planet against restrictions which prohibit living your life.
One restaurant refuses to become law enforcement enforcers
Before you read my description of this article, consider a comment I read the other day from someone who had visited New York recently. There is a mandatory requirement that all restaurants provide police-level enforcement of the vaccination requirement by checking vaccination and ID of every customer before they enter a restaurant.
This person observed that the staff assign responsibility for screening took a brief glance at whatever was presented to them and waved people in. This means enforcement is light. Restaurants there cannot afford to turn away customers (other, several report their income is down 50% to 60%) and cannot take the time to do a serious check of every single customer that ever enters the restaurant. Essentially the enforcement is quite lax, based on this person’s observations.
The Highwire – 10/18/21 – San Francisco closes In-and-out Burger After Defying City’s Vaxxing Rule – Because In-N-Out Burger allegedly would not check vaccination documents and compare them to photo ID and physically bar entrance by anyone who is not completely vaccinated at one particular restaurant in San Francisco, the county Department of Health issued an order to close the restaurant.
In a published comment, the Chief Legal & Business Officer of the restaurants chain defiantly said:
“After closing our restaurant, local regulators informed us that our restaurant Associates must actively intervene by demanding proof of vaccination and photo identification from every Customer, then act as enforcement personnel by barring entry for any Customers without the proper documentation.
“… We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant Associates to segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may not.
“We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that reinforces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize the business.”
City of Los Angeles requires every restaurant and bar to screen every customer.
I will make a wild guess there will be more and more restaurants taking the same approach as those in New York.
The Guardian – 10/27/21 – Second In-N-Out Burger restaurant in California shut for ignoring Covid rules – Another restaurant in Contra Costa County shut down because staff would not do police level enforcement. Two other locations have been warned.
KTLA 5 – 10/29/21 – In-N-Out closes all indoor dining rooms in Bay Area County over local Covid vaccine mandates – The chain has closed the dining rooms at all of its five restaurants in Contra Costa County.
Meanwhile, the elitists in our society aren’t bothered by mere public health dictats…
Our ruling overlords continue to ignore the rules
Swift Headline – 10/19/21 – Photos Show LA Press Club Violating Local Mask Mandate – As we are all learning to expect any time elitists gather to pat each other on the back and declare how wonderful they are, there are exquisitely few masks visible in the many photos you can find on the 63rd annual LA Press Club awards banquet. Lots of photos show people gathered for group pix. One photo of a speaker in front row of attendees shows no masks on people who are seated while neither eating nor drinking.
Authors says:
“But the media and the countless Democrats caught without masks are all lying to you about what they genuinely believe. They just want to bully and shame you. If they believed in masks, they would wear masks, and over and over again they do not.”
Protests are ongoing around the world
PJ Media – 9/30/21 – Covid Protest Are Sweeping the World. Where’s the Media? – Sleeping.
They are sleeping.
How much of you heard about these protests?
- Slovenia – Police broke up a protest against passports and vaccination mandates using tear gas and water cannons. The country has banned the J&J vax after a 20-year-old died of a stroke two weeks after the shot. Yes, you read that right. A stoke. In a 20-year-old.
- Italy – People protesting a “green pass” which is required for entry to any plane, train, or bus going from region to region.
- Ireland – Protests have been ongoing since February 2021.
- France – Weekend protests have been up and running for 11 weeks in a row. Weekend prior to this one had 64,000 people attending protests at 200 locations. A vaccine passport is now required to enter any public building or use any public transportation.
- Germany – Protests are running against Covid passports. Surprisingly, if you can prove you’ve recovered from Covid you can use mass transit.
- Netherlands – Ten guys had to publicly apologize for going a little too far when they dressed up as Nazi officers and pretended to arrest someone wearing concentration camp clothes and wearing a gold star.
- United Kingdom – A policeman arrested a woman for the audacity of violating a Covid mandate. He then abducted her, raped her, and murdered her. For some surprising incomprehensible reason, protesters seem think this is proof that Covid restrictions are only about control. Oh, the policeman was actually arrested, and in a pleasant surprise, was convicted of murder.
- Australia – People are being maced, choked, beaten, or shot with rubber bullets for being too many steps from their home. Tweet accompanying the article claims that of seven people who recently died with Covid, six were vaccinated. Six out of seven.
- Bulgaria – Protests running there.
- Italy – Protests there as well.
I will make a wild guess the only protests you have heard about might be the ones in Australia.