For example, multiple protests have taking place all across France for the last 10 weekends or so.
Over the last several months protests have developed in multiple countries. Seems that people are fed up with being told they can’t move around, go to restaurants, or enjoy entertainment without getting government permission to do so.
Here are some of the articles describing people who are fed up:
7/31 – Wall Street Journal – Covid-19 Vaccine Health Pass Feeds French Protest – Photos of protests in France show massive crowds. Estimates are 204,000 people gathered in many cities across the country to protest the so-called Health Pass, which is needed to get into restaurants or movies or museums. There were 14,000 people protesting in Paris at four different locations with 3,000 police officers mobilized to control the crowds.
This is the third weekend in a row with massive protests. Last week there were 161,000 across the country with 11,000 in Paris alone.
7/31/21 – The Local – In Pictures: over 200,000 people protest against health Pass in France – Ministry of the Interior reports there were protests at 184 locations.
Lots of pictures of big crowds in the article.
8/2/21 – The Guardian – Hundreds arrested in Berlin protests against Covid restrictions – The government of Germany does not allow protests against Covid restrictions, according to the article. Regardless, there were 13 protests around Berlin on 8/1.
Police used pepper spray, truncheons, water cannon, and armored vehicle to break up crowds. Over 600 people were arrested.
Article says people organizing the demonstrations in Germany point out that protests with different political agendas are allowed.
9/4/21 – RFI – Anti-vaccination protesters rally throughout France for eighth successive week – Large protests continued for the eighth week in a row. Reports are that 20,000 people gathered in five different protests in Paris. Police report 15,000 people in Montpelier, Lyon Nice, and Lille; implication is that is the total for the three cities and not the number in each city.
Organizers claim more than 150,000 people showed up at about 200 locations to protest mandatory vaccination.
What is it that people are actually protesting?
Mandatory vaccination passports.
Mandatory vaccinations to go out in public.
Specifically, you have to show a “health pass” to enter a restaurant or a café or a shopping center. Getting this document requires that you show either proof of vaccination or a very recent negative PCR test.
The core point is you have to “show your papers” in order to engage in life. I obviously don’t understand French government or the French people, because it seems to me a country occupied by the Nazis for several years and having to “show your papers” anytime you were in public what have left some imprint on the memory in opposition to authoritarianism. Obviously, I am incorrect.
Oh, the government will start inoculating schoolchildren age 12 and over at school so they can take trips. The health pass is mandatory starting 9/30/21 for children age 12 through 17.
9/2/21 – The Globe and Mail – Vaccine protests threaten to disrupt essential services as crowds gather outside hospitals, police headquarters – Headline writer has a clear political agenda. The text of article says the protesters did not block any entrances, especially the ambulance entrance.
Protests were on curbs outside a hospital in Toronto, Canada.
Article says there have been protests in Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario.
Mandatory vaccine passports will be required to get into a restaurant or gym. “Papers please” will start September 22, 2021 in Ontario, September 13 in British Columbia, and penalties will be levied starting September 15, in Quebec.
9/14/21 – New York teachers protest vaccine mandates, march across Brooklyn Bridge: “I call the shots” – A group of teachers, number unknown but a tweet post from the event shows over 100, protested mandatory vaccinations in New York City.
A separate group held a protest in Foley Square. Article says there were “hundreds” at that protest.
9/18/21 – Reuters – Australian police clash with anti-lockdown protesters, arrested nearly 270 – Lots of arrests as a result of big protests in Melbourne (235 busts) and Sydney (32). Around 2,000 police made the center of Melbourne a no-go zone. They managed to prevent 700 people from getting into the center of the city. In Sydney police disrupted groups before they could gather into any appreciable size.
The goal of public health officials was zero Covid cases ever in Australia. That hasn’t happened. The current harsh stay-at-home lockdowns will remain in place for Victoria, New South Wales, and Canberra until full vaccination rate reaches 70%. Then everything will be peachy keen again. (Good luck with that!)
Videos show a huge crowd of protesters breaking through police lines even though every officer is pumping pepper spray as fast as he can aim.