List continues to lengthen of government officials who are exempt from what they demand you do.
Today’s examples are Shemia Fagan, newly elected Secretary of State from Oregon, and Gina Raimondo, governor of Rhode Island.
12/14/20 – PJ Media – ANOTHER Democrat Covid Hypocrite: Oregon’s Newly Elected Secretary of State Violates Governor’s Order on Gatherings for Kid’s Birthday Party – This time it is the incoming Secretary of State in Oregon who is above the law.
Shemia Fagan was photographed hosting a birthday party for one of her children at her home. There were seven adults from six different households visible. They are outside and inside the house. Of course only a portion of the people visible in the photographs were wearing masks.
It is unknown and unrevealed how many other people from how many households were present.
Two published photos only show two children in addition to seven different adults. I’m guessing there were probably, oh, at least six children visiting.
Best guess would suggest there are at least six households with at least 12 people visiting (minimum of one child from each of 6 families plus six adults calculated as seven adults visible less the SoS).
At issue is a state requirement to limit private gatherings. Article on the newly created restriction regimen describes the following constraint in the “extreme risk restriction” counties, which comment I will quote:
“Gatherings of people outside of your household will be limited to a maximum of six people with the recommended limit of two households.”
I have not dived further into the rules for taking a loose interpretation of that suggestion may have six visitors with those six people limited to be from two households. I assume that is in addition to your household.
That leaves the newly elected Secretary of State violating the governor’s restrictions on private gatherings by at least four households and at least six people.
You may be wondering why this particular discussion does not have any ridicule or point-and-laugh snarkiness.
There are so many politicians ignoring the rules you and I have to follow to have temporarily exhausted my supply of sarcasm. I have more in order but am waiting for it to be delivered.
Until the next shipment of sarcasm arrives I will have to settle for merely stating the facts about flamingly hypocritical politicians.
Next up is Rhode Island governor Gina Raimondo.
- 11/17/20 – Washington Examiner – Rhode Island governor joints list of prominent Democrats under fire for violating on coronavirus recommendation
- 12/18/20 – WPRI Channel 12 – “I’m in a tough spot”: Raimondo response to controversial photo for a restaurant
- 12/17/20 – Newsweek – Rhode Island Gov. Attends Line and Paint Event After Urging People to Avoid Nonessential Activities
Governor Gina Raimondo is facing social media backlash after having been photographed at a “Wine and Paint” event. The event was opportunity to drink some wine and make some craft projects. The governor was photographed at the event without a mask.
A friend defended her saying she had a mask on when she arrived and at all times during the event except when she was drinking wine.
The governor points out she was obeying the law at the time. She and her husband were supporting local events, walking down the street buying things at various stores and dropping in to this venue to get some wine.
That is true but is beside the point.
The event took place on December 11.
In the midst of a surge in coronavirus cases temporally putting Rhode Island at third place of states with high infection rates, on December 7 she advised everyone in the state to stay home and avoid nonessential activities.
In a tweet on 12/7/20, which I will quote since as a government official, she said:
“It’s week two of our pause. I know it’s been hard, but I want to thank every Rhode Islander who’s followed our guidance. Please, stay home except for essential activities & wear a mask anytime you are with people you don’t live with. Together we can turn our case numbers around.”
The issue is at a time when the state had very high infection rates and she was asking everyone to stay home, she and her husband went out on a nonessential trip shopping at several stores and drinking wine in a restaurant.
Even though what she did appears to be legal, she was flagrantly, deliberately, repeatedly breaking her own urgent request for everyone to stay home.
In other words, yet another case where a governor is insisting you do one thing but is exempt from her own advice. She has asserted the freedom to do whatever she feels.
As mentioned while discussing the previous article, I will not pour ridicule on her head since my sarcasm is still out of stock.