From what can be seen on the ol’ internet, we are still waiting to see whether and when the governor will sign AB 1181. That is the law which will create “California GAAP” for charities receiving donated medicine which the donor has specified may not be distributed in the US.
Here is what I can find about recent signing of legislation.
- Governor Newsom Signs Legislation 9.5.19 – I count 38 bills listed. There were obviously all passed before the last week of the session.
- Governor Newsom Signs Legislation 9.18.19 – Only bill listed is AB 5, which changes labor law classification of workers in the ‘gig’ economy.
- Governor Newsom Signs Legislation 9.20.19 – I count 36 bills.
Don’t know how many bills passed the California legislature during the final week. Will make a guess it is somewhere between 150 and 250.
With only 37 of those last-week-of-session bills signed, there are obviously a whole bunch still sitting on the governor’s desk. Having never paid attention to this process before, I don’t know how long it takes the governor to work through the full list of pending bills.