An example of fraud motivation that took sixty seconds to find

It is very sad to read about the tragedies that take place.  Immediately after posting the previous discussion of the motivation side of the fraud triangle, went to a blog I frequent. Have now added it to the blogroll on the right.  Here is the article .  It clearly illustrates the motivation factor. 

A few quotes from the article:

“A judge has ordered a former church bookkeeper to pay $179,670 in restitution and write an apology to members of a Colorado Springs congregation after she pleaded guilty to stealing church funds.”

Church officials told police that the bookkeeper  “…had submitted a letter Nov. 25 admitting to the theft. In the letter, she stated that she used the money to pay medical bills for her daughter, who had suffered a skiing accident in Summit County in January 2009. I have no excuse but to say I was desperate. We were overwhelmed with lawyer and court bills,” the letter stated. ‘I kept this all to myself and tried to pay some of it off. I did not tell my husband because I was so ashamed. I really thought that I could get it paid back.’ “

You can also see the ‘I will pay it back’ rationalization.  Will discuss that factor later. 

If you are so inclined, pray for the congregation, the woman, and her family.

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