Is 500mg mebendazole a red herring or a way to focus discussion on many issues surrounding GIK valuation?
GIK Valuation: The issues not being discussed is a guest post on this blog. The author starts his/her post by saying the discussion of 500 mg mebendazole is distracting us from the real issues, which are much more serious.
Red Herring: something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand; a misleading clue.
The author and I disagree on the role of 500mb mebendazole.
I think the author’s point is that focusing on mebendazole distracts us from other issues.
I believe it is this specific med that is generating a disproportionate amount of GIK revenue. I perceive a very material portion of GIK revenue in the sector went away when this one med was revalued at the time SFAS 157 went into effect. My guess is that a material portion of the remaining GIK revenue in the sector would go away if that one med were valued at something similar to the price on the international market.
I also think that talking about just one medicine allows us to see a host of other issues. If the NPO community can resolve the issue arising from a discussion of mebendazole, I think that most of the other issues regarding GIK valuation would fall into place.
Once we get beyond whether mebendazole is a red herring or a presenting problem, the author and I are in agreement on quite a few issues.
Issues for discussion