With our freedom under assault by many state and local politicians across the United States, it is more important than ever before that on this Memorial Day we remember those who shed all their blood so that we may be free.
A ‘thank you’ from me is so trivial. I will demonstrate my appreciation for freedom purchased by others by exercising my freedom of speech today. Yesterday I exercised my freedom of religion. Today and tomorrow I will exercise my economic freedom, also called pursuit of happiness, by running my business the way I choose to do.
Following post was first published on May 29, 2017. It reprints an earlier post of May 30, 2011. I will update the discussion slightly. Deletions are struck through, new comments are in italics. This feeble tribute to those who have gone before will be posted across several of my blogs.

From May 29, 2017:
Those of us living in the United States are blessed with religious freedom, political freedom, and economic freedom because those who went before us fought for freedom.
Many of those fighting offered up their life for freedom and the offer was accepted.
I am humbled and grateful to God that some of my ancestors are included in the long list of those who fought. I am especially humbled that a great, great grand-uncle is in the list of those who died in the defense of freedom and the effort to crush slavery.
Because of their sacrifice, I get to enjoy this kind of freedom:
- Worship God
in churchyesterday via live-stream from a sister church with the preaching, structure of worship, and giving glory to God in the way we believe is appropriate, free of any government official telling us what to believe and say. - I taught a bible study using an internet conferencing tool explaining the bible in the way we believe it ought to be interpreted.
- Write blog posts Saturday, yesterday, and today on topics I wish without any government official censoring me or telling me what I cannot say.
- Read internet articles, twitter posts, and books from opinionated writers or try-to-be-objective historians without the government screening for disapproved content.
- Own a small business, run as I see fit (subject to appropriate regulatory rules that set the basic requirements for conducting a CPA firm), working today (a holiday) for several hours because I feel like it.
That is what freedom looks like.

Six years Years ago (5/30/11) I ran the following post which I’m reposting today. Because I have economic freedom (specifically property rights) and political rights, I can do so merely because I want to do so.
Dear Veterans: I accepted a ‘thank you’ on your behalf
(posted May 30, 2011)
Two weeks ago I attended an old west re-enactment in a city near my home. Between skits, one of the re-enactors noticed I was wearing a hat that said “USS Midway,” which is a carrier that was in service from the end of WWII to 1991. It is now a museum in San Diego.
He asked if I was a veteran. Didn’t understand his interruption at first. As I asked him to repeat himself, I remembered the hat I was wearing.
“Are you a veteran?”
While in the Air Force, I had a job that was correctly and officially rated as “combat crew.” I was insulated by years and thousands of miles from anyone shooting at American troops. As proud as I am of my service, I do not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as anyone in an American uniform who has been under enemy fire or even spent the night in a combat zone. Sitting in an underground bunker on the plains of South Dakota during the mild days of the Cold War is not even close to the same thing.
It takes too long to explain how removed I was from ever being in a combat zone and as a result I don’t consider myself a veteran. It would have dishonored his intent by saying I merely bought the hat in the Midway gift shop during a San Diego vacation. So since I was actually in a combat-rated job for 4 years, I merely said:
“Thank you for your service”, he said, shaking my hand.
Though I count myself unworthy of his appreciation, especially as I recall the exchange on today, Memorial Day, I mentally accepted his thank you on behalf of all the veterans who were not within his reach.
So, to all veterans, especially those who will not be given a verbal “thank you” today, I pass on that man’s thank you and hearty handshake. To you, the ones who have done the heavy lifting to provide for my freedom, I also say with deep appreciation, thank you for your service.
For those who paid the ultimate price, this other fellow and I am deeply, profoundly grateful. None of us can shake their hands.
For many friends and one departed relative for whom this a painful reality: