With a deadline of April 11 to appeal cease and desist orders from the California Attorney General, MAP International, Food for the Poor, and Catholic Medical Mission Board each filed their appeal on the 10th or 11th.
You may find a PDF copy of the appeals and cease and desist orders at the AG’s website.
The individual appeals may be found at:
A previous post discussed California A.G. files cease & desist order against 3 large charities alleging donated medicine was overvalued
Another post provided Financial info for the 4 charities the California AG accuses of overvaluing donated medicine.
At issue is valuation of donated gift-in-kind medicine which the donor restricted for distribution outside the U.S.
A followup post will discuss some of the details in the appeals.
If you want a one sentence thumbnail summary of the appeals, I will try to give it to you: Each of the charities deny the AG’s accusations, state their accounting is appropriate, assert their financial statements comply with GAAP, and request a hearing.
If you are so interested as to start reading the appeals over the next few days, I can offer two trivia questions to draw you into the detail:
- Is there any impact on the discussion at hand if less than half of donated meds are donor restricted for use outside the U.S. or if more than half are so restricted? Subquestion: What impact is there if the restriction is from a contract instead of a donor restriction?
- What is the call to action when a speakers bureau of a charity sends out speakers to interested congregations to raise awareness and request donations? Subquestion: Does not knowing who will actually be sitting in the pews resolve the audience criterion? Bonus subquestion: How is the audience criterion applied when donors call in to the donor relations department requesting prayer?