IRS publishes list of NPOs whose exemptions were automatically revoked

Congressional law says that any NPO not filing required 990 returns with the IRS for three consecutive years will automatically lose tax-exempt status. This is called automatic revocation. The first time the three-year rolling requirement came into play was for years ending December 31, 2009 with the filing deadline of May 15, 2010.

On June 8, 2011, the IRS published the first list of organizations subject to automatic revocation.


Repeal of expanded 1099 reporting

Previously mentioned the expanded 1099 reporting that would have gone into effect in 2012.  This would have required all businesses and ministries to report on 1099s the payments to any vendor over $600.  The major change in the rules is the exception for incorporated businesses would have gone away.

On 3-14-11 the President signed legislation that repeals the expanded reporting requirement.


Update on the ECFA Commission –announcement of membership and overall approach

ECFA has announced the membership of the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations. This is the task force ECFA has assembled to provide feedback requested by U.S. Sen. Grassley.

Click here for my previous comments on the commission, which provides general background.


Differing dollar cutoff for filing California 199N and federal 990-N

The cut off for organizations being able to file a 199N with the California Franchise Tax Board instead of the longer 199 is gross revenue normally $25,000 or less. The cut off to file a 990-N instead of the longer 990-EZ with the IRS is $50,000.

What to do if your income is between 25,000 and 50,000? 


New filing requirement with the FTB for small California nonprofit organizations

Starting January 1, 2011, very small tax-exempt organizations in California must file an e postcard with the state Franchise Tax Board. This is very similar to the federal e-postcard.  Form FTB 199N is used for the FTB while Form 990-N is used with the IRS.

Key things you need to know:


Some thoughts from the webinar on ECFA’s Commission

Previous posts here and here for background.

There are a few comments worth repeating from the the ECFA’s webinar on the formation of their Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations.  The Commission will provide input to the Senate Finance Committee. A few of my thoughts as well.
