This is the first report I have seen on overall giving trends during the pandemic. Preliminary indications are giving was down in the first quarter but strong enough in the second quarter that year-to-date giving is up compared to prior year.
10/6/20 – Philanthropy Today – Giving Was Up 7.5% in the First Half of 2020, New Report Says.
Research by fundraising organization indicates giving for the first quarter of 2020 was 6% below prior year amounts. Giving increased substantially in the second quarter. So much so that the first half giving is 7.5% over the prior year giving levels.
Interesting analysis reports the change in the number of donors by giving level.
Percent of change in the number of donors mentioned in the article:
- +19.2% – small donors – under $250
- +8.1% – mid-level, giving between $250 and $999
- +6.4% – major donors – over $1000
Those are intriguing and encourage numbers for the economy overall. Scuttlebutt I am hearing amongst churches and parachurch organizations is giving is roughly flat, with a few exceptions showing substantially down.
The survey information as a whole lot better than the bits and pieces of information I have picked up, so I hope that is helpful for you.