For your leisure reading on April 1st

Found an unusual number of product releases today.  Also a world-wide scoop on developments in the accounting world that will be of interest to CPAs.

At The Summa, Professor Albrecht scoops the financial market in his report SEC to Promote Cash Basis Accounting.  See his news article for full report, but suffice it to say the convergence to cash basis is already controversial.  Seems the Europeans consider as unreasonable the SEC’s expectation that the underlying financial reporting model will be based on U.S. dollar.  Check out his blog for future updates.

Seth Godin announced whitespAcelinks, a breakthrough advertising for web pages that uses all-white text in all white space. Advantages – the ads are invisible to the user so as to reduce visual clutter on the page. Links are invisible too.  Thus you make money off visitors without them even knowing it.  How’s that for a creative business model?  He has his first round financing already in place.

BTW, good job modeling his own advice to start that project you’ve been dreaming of.  Umm, he might have a little problem shipping.

37signals announced a release of their flagship product, Basecamp, for the Windows NT platform.  They report that for your ease of installation, it is “…packed onto 37 easy-to-install 3.5 floppy disks.”  Quite the cutting edge company there, huh?  If you’ve been thinking of implementing the enterprise edition of Basecamp, this announcement should close the deal.

One commenter concluded it was time to upgrade from NT 3.51 to NT 4.0 to allow them to implement the product.  Another person wondered if the 1,000 page user manual would be shipped separately.

UPDATE:   37signals also announced today that they are moving all of their staff to Chicago.  They have realized they need to change everything about the company that made it creative, successful, distinctive, and remarkable.  Some of the commenters on that post are claiming this has something to do with today being April 1, but I think they are wrong.

One thought on “For your leisure reading on April 1st

  1. In other news I missed on April 1, in his post, “Convergence is Dead”, John Hufnagle has a confirming report that the FASB decided to abandon convergence with IFRS. Tiring of the bickering, FASB has now “…realized that the only people on earth to benefit from convergence would be the Big Four firms and, beginning in about five years, litigators”.
    Full article at:

    Mr. Hufnagle’s report claims the FASB sent IASB a letter with an impolite suggestion on how the IASB can proceed.

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